28 July 2009


Watching the Colbert Report last night, I got my first exposure to the Swedish hip-hop/jazz/swing fusion band Movits!. If you missed it, these guys have a sound that can best be equated to a mix of Cab Calloway and Run DMC but, you know, in Swedish. I was instantly hooked by this band the moment they started up their one-song set of Fel Del Av Garden; both for the band's sound as well as the visual awesomeness of a turntable/drum machine, saxophone, upright bass and microphone all being played by very well dressed and well coordinated Swedes (giving The Hives a run for their money).

The interview itself wasn't all that memorable, which is understandable considering this is their first US TV interview. The goal wasn't insight, it was just to make them likable to the viewers. Still though, I'd definitely be interested to see a more serious interview with this band at some point to hear them actually talk for more than one minute about their music.

Anyway, here's the video for the song performed last night, Fel Del Av Garden

I can't understand a single word of what they're singing, but I'm sure I'll be listening to these guys for quite a while now.

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